it is still a mystery how the first life a protoplasm formed in the ocean water; the word protoplasm comes from greek prōtos ‘first’ and plasma ‘shape’; the protoplasm is considered the building block of all life containing the nucleus and various organelles floating in water; a cell's cytoplasm meaning all of its components except the nucleus is 80% water; all life that exists or has ever existed can trace its origins to this first shape which emerged 3.5 billion years ago from today; the blood of all living beings since from fish to reptiles to humans has largely the exact same mineral composition as sea water; in a mother’s womb the amniotic fluid which nourishes life to being is 98% water; when a child is born they are 75% water; each living cell is 75-80% water; the earth’s surface is 71% water; 99% percent of all the molecules in a human body are water molecules; we are all quite literally mostly water; a universal and undeniable connection; the root of ocean is ōkeanos in greek a great stream encircling the earth’s disk; feel the w a t e r on your lips and sip;